Sponsor Us

We invite you to partner with the South Dakota Mines Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) team and support our mission of advancing the field of aerial robotics and UAS technology. As a sponsor, you have the opportunity to make a significant impact on our team and contribute to the future of unmanned aerial systems not just financially but in a much bigger way.

Building drones is amazing. However, it is also an expensive task. Since our organization is non-profit, we rely on school funding, fundraisers, and outside assistance. Without this, the team may not have the opportunity to participate in future competitions or innovations. We are in need of funds, equipment, and parts in order to continue keeping the team on campus.

By sponsoring our team, you align your organization with cutting-edge innovation, research, and the development of transformative technologies. Your support enables us to pursue ambitious projects, participate in national competitions, and engage in community outreach initiatives.

As a sponsor, you can expect:

But it can be so much more than that!

Beyond traditional sponsorship, we seek active collaboration and engagement that will propel our team to even greater heights of innovation and achievement. Imagine your companies influence in shaping future engineers! By taking an active role, you become an integral part of our journey, contributing to the synergy that drives our team's growth.

Your active engagement could encompass a spectrum of possibilities, from mentoring our aspiring engineers, collaborating on groundbreaking research projects, providing a company learning session and so much more!  Together, we can foster an environment where knowledge and passion intersect, propelling both our team and the field of UAS technology forward.

We invite you to embrace this unique opportunity to make a lasting impact. Your active support not only strengthens the SDSMT UAS team but also contributes to the broader advancement of unmanned aviation education and innovation. Reach out to us at uas+sponsorship@mines.sdsmt.edu and add "Attn.Fundraiser Chair:" in subject to discuss how you can become an active sponsor and collaborator. Let's create a future where your expertise and our aspirations converge to redefine the possibilities of UAS technology.

How can I help?

We offer various sponsorship levels and customizable packages to suit your organization's needs and goals. Your support will directly contribute to the success of our team and the advancement of unmanned aerial systems.

Join us in shaping the future of aerial robotics and making a lasting impact on the UAS industry. To discuss sponsorship opportunities or request additional information, please contact us through the provided channels. We would be delighted to explore how we can collaborate and achieve mutual success.

Thank you for considering sponsoring the South Dakota Mines UAS team. Together, we can soar to new heights!

 If you would like to support our team, please contact us by email: uas@mines.sdsmt.edu or complete the form below!

Sponsor Incentives: