2010 Team
The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Team has taken a different approach to this year's design. We arestill developing our own custom attitude controller but have branched out and started researching both Mikrokopter and Ascending Technologies airframes and attitude controllers. Both of these vehicles provide stable and robust attitude control. Because the rules of the IARC specify no GPS, we are working on two solutions to solve the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem. The first is monocular GraphSLAM which estimates 3D locations of observed features in the environment as well as the 6D state of the quadrotor. The second solution is GMapping. GMapping is a Rao-Blackwellized particle filer that generates grid maps from laser range data. We are using a Hokuyo URG-04LX Laser to scan the environment.
The team is also in the process of developing a path planning simulation which will guide the vehicle through an indoor environment. A video of this simulation will hopefully be posted soon. We have also come up with a mechanical solution to retrieve and release a flash drive. A video of this device is posted under the Video link on the left side of the page.
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If you would like to see document please reach out to uas@mines.sdsmt.edu to request access.