Build, Fly, Crash, Repeat

About Us

Welcome to the South Dakota Mines Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) team! We are a multidisciplinary group of students and faculty from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology who share a common passion for unmanned aerial systems and the incredible opportunities they offer.

Our mission is to create unmanned aerial vehicles in the pursuit of knowledge, experience, and friendly competition with other amateur and student builders. We study all aspects of autonomous flight, from building the frame and studying motor performance to writing code for communication and navigation. Our team is made up of a wide variety of undergraduate majors - mechanical engineering, computer science, electrical and computer engineering, physics, and math. 

Our team is committed to pushing the boundaries of UAS technology through innovative research, hands-on experience, and collaboration. We believe that UAS has the potential to revolutionize industries and solve real-world challenges, from precision agriculture and environmental monitoring to disaster response and infrastructure inspection.

As a multidisciplinary team, we bring together diverse talents and expertise in areas such as engineering, computer science, data analytics, and more. By harnessing our collective skills, we design, build, and operate cutting-edge unmanned aerial systems that excel in performance, reliability, and safety.

We are not just focused on technical achievements; community engagement is a vital aspect of our mission. We actively participate in outreach programs, educational initiatives, and local events to inspire and educate others about the transformative power of UAS technology. We strive to foster an environment that promotes responsible and ethical use of UAS while promoting innovation and creativity.

Through our dedication to excellence and our passion for UAS, we aim to make a lasting impact on the field and contribute to the advancement of aerial robotics. Whether you are a student, industry professional, or simply curious about UAS technology, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey.