2009 Team
The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Unmanned Aerial Vehicle team (SDSM&T UAV) has designed a single custom quad-rotor helicopter capable of complete indoor autonomous flight in compliance with the International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC). The vehicle has been designed to locate and enter a one meter square opening, navigate a series of obstacles in search of a control panel, and transmit live video of the targeted gauge to a base station computer located outside the building.
The Structure Entry Reconnaissance Vehicle (SERV) utilizes a monocular simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm for obstacle avoidance using the outputs from a Hokuyo Scanning Laser Range Finder and a CMOS camera. Sensor measurements, together with the position and orientation estimates from the SLAM algorithm, are fused using an extended Kalman Filter. A Fuzzy Logic controler is used to maintain attitude and altitude in translational flight, hover, and fast forward flight. The onboard Gumstix Overo Fire does all of the onboard processing required by the IARC.
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