UAS 2.0

After the 2023 School year members of our team meet with students, community leaders, and members of academia.  Working together to see what the future of the Unmanned Aerial System Club should look like after coming up on the 20 year anniversary of becoming a club.  It was broken into three primary aspects: Competition, Innovation, Professional Development/Advocacy.   

We understand that the following goals will take years to fully develop and grow into a club, but we feels as if it is necessary in order to develop and grow for another 20 years.  


The South Dakota School of Mines Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Club is driven by a strong spirit of competition. We participate in national and international UAS competitions to challenge ourselves, showcase our skills, and measure our capabilities against other top-tier teams. 

Our goals of competition include the following:

By actively participating in UAS competitions, our club is constantly challenging ourselves to improve, innovate, and push the boundaries of our capabilities. Through performance excellence, innovative solutions, collaboration, adaptability, continuous learning, and recognition, we aim to position ourselves as a leading competitor in the UAS community.


The South Dakota School of Mines Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Club is driven by a strong commitment to innovation. We strive to push the boundaries of aerial robotics, explore new technologies, and make significant contributions to the field. 

Our goals of innovation encompass the following:

At the South Dakota School of Mines UAS Club, innovation is at the core of our mission. Through cutting-edge research, technology development, industry collaboration, advancement of autonomous systems, and education/outreach initiatives, we are dedicated to shaping the future of unmanned aerial systems. We embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and are driven by our passion to make a positive impact on the field of aerial robotics.

Professional Development/Advocacy:

The South Dakota School of Mines Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Club is dedicated to the professional development and advocacy of its members. We strive to provide opportunities for personal growth, skill enhancement, and industry engagement. 

Our goals of professional development/advocacy include the following:

By focusing on professional development and advocacy, our club aims to equip its members with the skills, knowledge, and networks necessary for successful careers in the UAS field. We foster a supportive environment that encourages personal growth, ethical practices, industry engagement, and outreach initiatives. Together, we strive to advance the UAS industry and create a community of responsible and skilled professionals.